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What is a training video?

Simply put, a training video is video-based content that shows someone how to do something.

Whether it’s an employee training video, a software tutorial for customers, or a general topic like how to change a tire, a training video is dedicated to educating or instructing viewers on a specific topic to teach a skill or share knowledge.

Why create training videos?

Video is the perfect media for how-tos and training because you can both show and tell viewers what they need to know. Plus, video is inherently more engaging than text-only methods.

Think about it. Which would you rather do: Read 10 pages of black and white text telling you how to do something or watch a video that shows you exactly the steps to take?

If you’re still wondering why you should even bother creating videos, here are a few key benefits you can get from creating videos this year:

  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Improve Google search results
  • Take burden off your tech or customer support team
  • Improve your customer satisfaction
  • Grow your business

traning videos company Mulyan

How to make an effective training video

Even if you’ve never made a video, you can make highly effective training videos. They key lies in having the right software and a little guidance. I use TechSmith Camtasia to make all of my videos, and I highly recommend it.

Camtasia is easy enough that literally anyone can use it, but powerful enough that even seasoned video pros will find it satisfies nearly all their video needs.

But, don’t bust out that video editor quite yet. There are a few key steps that will help ensure success.

Here are some formats you might choose for your training video.


A screencast is a recording of your computer screen. If you are training people on a new software or computer system, this will likely be at least a part of your video. Screencasts can range from informal to highly polished productions.


A microvideo is a very short video – five to fifteen seconds – that demonstrates a single process or idea. Sometimes microvideos don’t have narration but instead rely on visuals or text on the screen. This might be a good choice if you have a number of simple processes to teach that don’t take up enough time to warrant creating a longer training video.

Presenter video

For live training, consider recording it to create a presenter video. Then, you can edit the recording and use it as part of your learning program.

If you’re training people on processes, a product demo video may be the right choice. In these videos, someone usually acts as a “host” and shows the viewers how a particular product, service, or process works. Many of the DIY videos on YouTube use this format.

Role play

In a role play video, a scenario is acted out to help viewers picture and better understand the way a particular interaction should go. They are good for training viewers on how to handle things like sales calls, technical support processes, and other social interactions.

It takes a bit of acting, but if you’re training soft skills, this format might be the best bet as it helps viewers picture actual circumstances and situations.

Interactive video

Interactive videos are a newer format. One way to think of these is like a “choose your own adventure” video where viewers are asked to respond to situations and then see how things play out depending on their decision. They can be a good way to get your viewers involved.

 Examples of Effective Training Videos

Many training videos range from cheesy to boring. Some use cute tricks to replace a solid message their audience can value. Others are monotone dialogues that many people use for nap time.

If you want to avoid this trap, you need to understand how to create a training video your audience will use.

Otherwise, you might end up creating a training video similar to Wendy’s on how employees should fill hot drinks. The video shot in the ’90s is a classic example of what we think about for training videos.

Wendy’s training videos might get a few laughs. However, as a training video, it is not useful. Employees will not remember jingles as they work, “Wendy’s coffee tastes so fine. Hot drinks really get you going. They warm you up when you are slowing?”

More than likely they will wonder what type of drink their employer had before making this video and then forget about the video later.

The different examples below explore how to compose an effective training video no matter the subject. In fact, many of these videos differ from each other significantly. The commonality is they all successfully convey their message.

1. Have an objective for each video

Every Friday, Rand Fishkin produces his Whiteboard Friday video for Moz. The video highlights what Rand believes are the top trends in the search industry. You know what he wants to discuss because he lists it out on his whiteboard.

He subconsciously tells his viewers that he has a specific objective in mind with this video and is not wasting their time.

2. Make the mundane interesting

While the Melbourne Metro Trains video is not a traditional training video, the compelling message leads to greater train safety.

Yes, Dumb Ways to Die is weird; not going to debate that. However, the catchy tune did more than just generate $50 million in free ads. It contributed to a 30% reduction in “near miss accidents” over the following three months after its release.

Often mundane topics get ignored because they become white noise after hearing them too much. That is why subjects like train safety need a revamp.

However, it is not just train safety. Take the required airline safety talk before lift-off. How many people pay attention to the discussion any more. That is why Air New Zealand came up with the safety video. The training video includes a touch of humor to get you paying attention.

3. Be yourself

How many selfies have you taken in your life? How many did you use for business? After watching Jennifer Gluckow go over how to handle selfies to increase sales with clients, you might start.

In the quick video above, Gluckow discusses a powerful trick to get more sales. Her glowing personality makes the idea look effortless, as sales professionals get a solid idea to increase their sales.

Many of the best video trainers on the internet let their personality drive interest in their training videos.

4. Keep it short and to the point

Break down content into bite-size pieces. Most people don’t watch videos longer than 5-10 minutes. While some examples below are outliers, keep the idea of a short attention stream in mind the next time you create a training video.

Instead, of long droning videos, they give a few tips with closeup shots to show how to position your fingers on the guitar. The quick lessons from Buleria Alzapua make you think it is possible for you to play the guitar as well.

5. Tell a story

This 35-minute educational drama is long for YouTube. Dechert Law helps executives understand how they can help them in their business with mock scenarios that use a story as a teaching tool.

Attorneys help executives with topics like executive compensation, whistleblower cases, and risk management in an emerging market.

For those looking to do corporate training videos, use stories as training tools. After all, human beings are hard-wired for stories. Since the earliest days of our ancestors, we craved stories to help us learn about the world.

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